The reason this web page has improved so much over the past two years is simple: many of you have written me with your suggestions and contributions. At this point, the web page is actually the combined work of a large group of devoted ABA fans who still remember the league and its cast of characters.
I appreciate any help whatsoever. If you are familiar with a particular ABA franchise, and would like to contribute a written piece on that team, let me know. Even short memories or written pieces are welcome. I'd like to add as much information as possible to each of the team histories.
If you took color or black & white pictures at an ABA game (or personally know someone who did), and want to contribute a few of them, drop me a line! The same goes for ABA game-worn uniforms--if you would like to contribute any photos to the Uniform Galleries, let me know. Some of you may have audio clips from ABA games (recorded off the radio).
If you have your own site, please feel free to add a link to this page.
If you would like to see a separate page devoted to a particular ABA topic, send me your suggestion. Already scheduled for the future is a "Where Are They Now?" page. Everything else is up in the air. To me, the best thing about this web page is that it changes from month to month. It's like a book that continues to add extra chapters!
--Arthur Hundhausen