Franchise Ownership History

(Courtesy Robert Bradley)

February 2, 1967 The ABA awards a franchise to William Whitmore, Charles Frazier and Cloyce Box for $30,000
1967 Box's interest in the franchise is purchased by T.S. Morrow and Bud Adams, owner of a Houston-based oil company and the AFL's Houston Oilers
1969 The franchise is purchased by the Southern Sports Corporation a group headed by James C. Gardner for $350,000 and the franchise moves to North Carolina following the season
November 1970 The franchise is purchased by Tedd Munchak
1974 The franchise is purchased by a group including Harry Weltman, Donald Schupak, Daniel Silna and Ozzie Silna for $1.5 million and the franchise moves to St. Louis
1976 The franchice announces plans to move to Salt Lake City as the "Rockies"
June 17, 1976 The team owners reach a financial agreement with the remaining teams in the league, folding the team for $2.2 million and a 1/7 share of each of the four remaining teams' television income in perpetuity as part of the ABA/NBA merger agreement

Mavericks/Cougars/Spirits All-Time Roster

(courtesy of Robert Bradley)

Don Adams 1974-76
Marvin Barnes 1974-76
Mike Barr 1974-76
Art Becker 1967-69
Spider Bennett 1968-69
Ron Boone 1975-76
Gary Bradds 1970-71
Roger Brown 1972-73
Larry Bunce 1968-69
Bill Bunting 1969-70
Joe Caldwell 1970-75
Mack Calvin 1972-74
Frank Card 1970-72
Don Carlos 1968-69
M.L. Carr 1975-76
George Carter 1971-72
Don Chaney 1975-76
Jim Chones 1973-74
Dick Clark 1968-69
Billy Cunningham 1972-74
Mike D'Antoni 1975-76
Mack Daughtry 1970-71
Warren Davis 1971-72
Randy Denton 1971-76
Ron Dorsey 1971-72
Terry Driscoll 1974-75
Rich Dumas 1968-69
Jim Foster 1974-75
Cal Fowler 1969-70
Wilbert Frazier 1967-68
Bernie Fryer 1974-75
Bill Gaines 1968-69
Gus Gerard 1974-76
Steve Green 1975-76
Rudy Hackett 1975-76
Hal Hale 1967-68
Joe Hamood 1967-68
Darrell Hardy 1967-68
Ira Harge 1970-73
Wayne Hightower 1971-72
Tom Hoover 1968-69
Tom Ingelsby 1974-75
Tony Jackson 1968-69
Rich Johnson 1970-71
Stew Johnson 1968-72
Caldwell Jones 1975-76
Steve Jones 1972-75
Arvesta Kelly 1970-71
Goo Kennedy 1974-75
Lonnie Kluttz 1970-71
Tom Kondla 1968-69
Steve Kramer 1968-70
Wenddell Ladner 1971-72
George Lehmann 1970-72
Leary Lentz 1967-69
Freddie Lewis 1974-76
Mike Lewis 1972-74
Gene Littles 1969-74
Chuck Lloyd 1970-71
Maurice Lucas 1974-76
Randy Mahaffey 1969-71
Moses Malone 1975-76
Ed Manning 1971-74
Guy Manning 1967-69
Ted McClain 1971-74
Jim McDaniels 1971-72
DeWitt Menyard 1967-68
Larry Miller 1969-72
Doug Moe 1969-70
Wayne Molis 1967-68
Gene Moore 1974-75
Dave Newmark 1970-71
Randy Niemann 1969-70
Tom Owens 1971-75
Barry Parkhill 1975-76
George Peeples 1969-71
Ron Perry 1969-70
Jerry Pettway 1967-69
Willie Porter 1968-69
Steve Previs 1972-73
Bob Reidy 1967-68
Kendall Rhine 1968-69
Marv Roberts 1973-74
Harry Rogers 1975-76
Paul Ruffner 1975-76
Roger Schurig 1967-68
Willie Somerset 1967-69
George Stone 1971-72
George Sutor 1969-70
Keith Swagerty 1968-69
Levern Tart 1968-69
Ollie Taylor 1973-74
Gary Turner 1967-68
Bob Verga 1968-72
Bobby Warren 1971-73
Hank Whitney 1968-70
Van Willford 1970-71
Fly Williams 1974-75
Milt Williams 1974-75
Dennis Wuycik 1972-75

Mavericks/Cougars/Spirits Year-to-Year Numerical Rosters

1967-68 Season
(Houston Mavericks)
12 Willie Somerset
14 Dewitt Menyard
15 Bob Riedy
20 Hal Hale
21 Jerry Pettway
22 Joe Hamood
24 Wilbert Frazier
25 Roger Schurig
31 Guy Manning
34 Art Becker
35 Leary Lentz
44 Wayne Mollis
1968-69 Season
(Houston Mavericks)
12 Hank Whitney
12 Willie Somerset
14 Don Carlos
15 Bill Gaines
15 Willie Porter
20 Stew Johnson
21 Jerry Pettway
22 Bob Verga
24 Tony Jackson
24 Tom Hoover
31 Guy Manning
32 Keith Swagerty
33 Dick Clark
34 Art Becker
35 Leary Lentz
44 Kendall Rhine
1969-70 Season
(Carolina Cougars)
11 Bob Verga
13 Hank Whitney
21 Ron Perry
23 Gene Littles
24 Calvin Fowler
33 Steve Kramer
34 Doug Moe
35 Randy Mahaffey
42 Bill Bunting
44 Larry Miller
51 George Peeples
52 George Sutor

1970-71 Season
(Carolina Cougars)
21 George Lehmann
11 Bob Verga
13 Frank Card
14 Vann Williford
23 Gene Littles
12 Rich Johnson
35 Randy Mahaffey
44 Larry Miller
51 George Peeples
27 Joe Caldwell
1971-72 Season
(Carolina Cougars)
27 Joe Caldwell
35 Wayne Hightower
13 Stew Johnson
33 Wendell Ladner
23 Gene Littles
22 Ed Manning
24 Ted McClain
1 Jim McDaniels
44 Larry Miller
32 Tom Owens
21 Bobby Warren
1972-73 Season
(Carolina Cougars)
27 Joe Caldwell
20 Mack Calvin
32 Billy Cunningham
53 Mike Grosso
35 Wayne Hightower
54 Luke Jackson
42 Mike Lewis
23 Gene Littles
22 Ed Manning
24 Ted McClain
52 Tom Owens
14 Steve Previs
21 Bobby Warren
44 Dennis Wuycik

1973-74 Season
(Carolina Cougars)
24 Ted McClain
52 Tom Owens
44 Dennis Wuycik
27 Joe Caldwell
20 Mack Calvin
53 Jim Chones
22 Ed Manning
32 Billy Cunningham
42 Mike Lewis
23 Gene Littles
1974-75 Season
(Spirits of St. Louis)
24 Marvin Barnes
34 Mike Barr
27 Joe Caldwell
7 Terry Driscoll
15 Jimmy Foster
12 Bernie Fryer
11 Gus Gerard
42 Tom Ingelsby
22 Steve Jones
55 Goo Kennedy
1 Freddie Lewis
20 Maurice Lucas
14 Tom Owens
54 Gene Moore
35 Fly Williams
44 Dennis Wuycik
10 Don Adams
1975-76 Season
(Spirits of St. Louis)
10 Don Adams
24 Marvin Barnes
34 Mike Barr
30 M.L. Carr
45 Randy Denton
1 Ron Boone
10 Mike D'Antoni
22 Gus Gerard
12 Don Chaney
14 Freddie Lewis
20 Maurice Lucas
40 Barry Parkhill
13 Moses Malone
3 Caldwell Jones
45 Paul Ruffner
42 Steve Green


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